CCNP – Cisco Certified Network Professional
V praxi se velice často používají originální anglické názvy jednotlivých protokolů/konceptů ap. Překlad názvů by byl na škodu a proto jsou v seznamu témat jednotlivých kurzů i v názvech kurzů samotných níže použity původní anglické názvy.
CCNP Enterprise: Core Networking (ENCOR) – rozsah kurzu 13 týdnů (1 semestr)
Anotace kurzu
CCNP Enterprise: Core Networking (ENCOR) provides students with a broad scope of architectural understanding and implementation skills required by enterprise networks. The course covers switching, routing, wireless, and related security topics along with the technologies that support software-defined, programmable networks.
Osnova kurzu
- Configure L2 redundancy in an enterprise network.
- Configure EIGRP to optimize performance in an enterprise network.
- Implement advanced OSPF features to improve performance in both IPv4 and IPv6 enterprise networks.
- Configure eBGP in a single-homed remote access network.
- Explain the concepts of multicast operation and QoS in an enterprise network.
- Configure IP services and VPNs to support secure, managed site-to-site and remote-access networks.
- Explain how wireless topologies and antennas allow APs to pair with WLCs in an enterprise network.
- Implement secure wireless networks to manage and support wireless roaming.
- Implement advanced technologies to support a secure and scalable enterprise network architecture.
- Configure network technologies to provide secure infrastructure access.
- Explain the purposes and characteristics of virtualization and network automation.
CCNP Enterprise: Advanced Routing (ENARSI) – rozsah kurzu 26 týdnů (2 semestry)
Anotace kurzu
CCNP Enterprise: Advanced Routing (ENARSI) provides students with an in-depth knowledge to support the implementation and troubleshooting of advanced routing technologies and services including layer 3 VPN services, infrastructure security and infrastructure services used in enterprise networks.
Osnova kurzu
- Implement DHCP to operate across multiple LANs.
- Implement EIGRP for IPv4 in a small to medium-sized business network.
- Explain how advanced EIGRP features affect network performance.
- Troubleshoot common EIGRP configuration issues.
- Troubleshoot EIGRPv6 issues.
- Explain how OSPF operates.
- Implement multiarea OSPF for IPv4 to enable internetwork communications.
- Troubleshoot connectivity issues in OSPFv2.
- Implement multiarea OSPFv3.
- Troubleshoot issues with OSPFv3 implementation.
- Configure BGP.
- Configure BGP with advanced features.
- Explain the processes used by BGP for path selection.
- Troubleshoot BGP issues.
- Troubleshoot Route Maps and conditional forwarding issues.
- Configure route redistribution between routing protocols.
- Troubleshoot IPv4 and IPv6 route redistribution.
- Explain the impact of VFR and MPLS on routing decisions.
- Implement DMVPN tunnels.
- Configure IPsec DMVPN with Pre-Shared Authentication.
- Troubleshoot ACLs and Prefix Lists.
- Troubleshoot security threats to a network.
- Troubleshoot Device Management and Management Tools.